Premium Content Resources for Zenefits

We create long-form, informative, educational content pieces that are used as lead magnets and resource guides on the website. Prospects download the resource in exchange for their email.

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Lizeth Andrew
August 24, 2022

Long-form content assets are for audiences who are already invested in learning more about your company, services, or products. They’re at the delicate stage where they want to know more, including the nitty-gritty statistics, details of case studies, and key figures.

When you’ve reached the stage that someone is reading your white paper, case study, or ebook you’ve almost convinced them to move forward in a professional relationship with you—don’t risk losing them with a subpar piece of content.

Drafted creates a variety of long-form content to be used as lead magnets and helpful resources for HR professionals focused on gaining leverage in a digital world.

Download the resource

The Coronavirus Checklist for Newly Remote Teams

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The Coronavirus Comeback Kit

In addition to long-form content, we write articles for the Zenefits blog (Workest). We've written over 200 SEO-optimized blog posts which have led to an increase in organic traffic to their website and a higher number of readers downloading lead magnets and becoming happy Zenefits customers.

Check out our column here.